Dental Emergency

Our Services


Dental injuries from trips, falls, while playing sports, assault or from road traffic accidents may need immediate dental and or medical attention.

Filling/Crown Out

If your Crown comes out it should be recemented as soon as possible, to prevent bacterial growth on the exposed tooth surface which can lead to failure of the restoration in the long term.

General Advice

We can offer general advice for non urgent dental related questions, if you are unable to take time off work or your children out of school.


Dental pain can be difficult to deal with. The source of the pain needs to be identified so that it can be managed appropriately. Taking too many pain killers is not advisable.

Broken Tooth

Broken teeth can be very painful and can also cause trauma to the soft tissues, like the tongue or cheek. If left untreated bacterial growth towards the tooth pulp can cause pain and could lead to more complex restorative work in the future.

Swelling/Dental Abcess

Facial swellings or those arising from inside the mouth may need urgent attention, especially long standing swellings run the risk of spreading.

Having a dental emergency?

Please fill in the form below

    Date of Birth:*


    If you are in pain please fill in the section below:-

    How long have you had the pain?

    Describe the pain?

    SharpThrobbingDull achingConstantIntermittentSporadic

    What makes the pain worse?

    ChewingHotColdSweetPressureLying downMoving your head

    How long does the pain last?

    Is the pain worse during the?

    Does the pain radiate anywhere?

    Along the jawEarNeckHead

    Associated symptoms?

    HeadacheFeverLack of sleepBad taste in mouthMetallic taste

    Do you have any swelling?




    How long have you had the swelling?

    Has the swelling spread to?

    Adjacent teethNeckFaceOther

    Do your teeth feel loose?

    Are you able to open your mouth without any pain?

    Are you able to chew without any pain?

    When did you receive the trauma?

    Is there any bleeding?

    Is there pain?

    Have you fractured any teeth? (Please keep these and take them with you to the dental practice).

    Are any of your teeth mobile?

    If you have a photo of your emergency you can upload it here

    Contact Us

    Please contact us via this website or email without disclosing confidential information.